餐厅设计|动感十足的TOKYO TEY 寿司店

位置:首页 > 新闻中心 > 餐饮空间 > 正文 2016-04-18

动感十足的TOKYO TEY 寿司店实景图

这家在波兰波兹南新开张的日式餐厅,完全是我们想象中的主题餐厅。这家动感十足的TOKYO TEY寿司店是由Mode:lina architekci设计的,整个设计灵感来自于新鲜的寿司现卷。设计师对此表示:“餐厅的颜色主题采用的是寿司自然的颜色,再搭配Anna Markowska设计的三角形图案和一些其他品牌相关的元素。另外带有钢架的白色柜台以及天花板灯上也同样搭配着三角图案”。

This newly opened Japanese restaurant in Poznań, Poland is our idea of a thematic restaurant. The vibrant TOKYO TEY Sushi Store, designed by Mode:lina architekci, takes inspiration from the freshness of sushi rolls.“The color scheme inspired by natural colors of sushi appears on the triangle pattern stripe and other branding elements, as designed by Anna Markowska,” the architects said. “The triangular motif can also be spotted on the illuminated counter with a white steel truss and bright ceiling lamps situated above.”


The generously-sized glass facade illuminates the space too. And it allows passers-by to take a sneak peek inside. The concrete flooring texture and the exposed aluminum pipes on the ceiling give the place an original industrial-style vibe that’s unfettered by the glass table tops and thin metal legs. Everything is so well thought out, even the colorful juices in the sushi case seem to match the color scheme.




