这是Substance Design设计工作室在香港设计的海洋餐厅,整间餐厅既时尚又不缺艺术感。港湾是这里的核心,因为对于这家餐厅而言,海洋不仅仅只是一个主题或者名字,还是整个餐厅的灵魂,设计师正是从这里找到灵感,从而展开了一场浪漫而且刺激的探险之旅。
Serine and artistic ambiance are created by Substance Design Studio for this fantastic restaurant harbored in Hong Kong. Harbored being the operative word, because Ocean is not only a theme and a name, in this case, is an inspiration, innovation, and a romantic game to enjoy and explore.
In modern design stylistics, a teamed public places: restaurants, bars or even hotels; are something that many architects are tempted to explore and experiment with, but it isn’t always successful.
The oval blue premises of the two-story restaurant invite you softly into the alluring depth of the ocean chasm where the observer: though the vast panoramic windows that invite the real-life sea horizon into the experience.
The premises are discreetly lit by hand-blown lighting fixtures, the furnishing is comfy and inviting, and the whole cavern-like smoothness of space, with the smooth curves, the ocean blue shades, and the sandy brown wooden finishes creates one very organic and welcoming atmosphere.