有名的日本长岛拉面品牌Bariuma Ramen餐厅的到来,进一步丰富了雅加达的饮食文化。HighStreetStudio设计团队从简约而温暖的日本文化中得到灵感和启发,打造出了这个温馨的餐厅。温暖的木色、带有图案的屏幕、还有明亮的橙黄色,共同构建了一个适合家庭聚餐朋友聚会的就餐环境。
This famous authentic Ramen restaurant brand from Hiroshima, Japan is a new addition to the Jakarta food culture. The design team create a restaurant interior design that is inspired by the simplicity and warmth of Japanese culture. Warm wood tones, patterned screen, and bright orange finishes create an environment comfortable for dining with families and friends.